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活動 自學中心求職面試講座﹕別讓大學慣壞你﹗社會要求甚麼樣的求職者? 2015_Job
日期 2015年11月16日 (星期一)
時間 下午 2:30 至 4:15
地點 聯合圖書館一樓研討室二
[ 地圖 ]
報名 已完結

Angela Chiu
Currently the Senior Marketing Manager - Consumers Engagement for Tommy Hilfiger Asia-Pacific. Over my 10+ years of experience, I have managed digital marketing across different industries including Banking, FMCG, and Fashion, and different markets in Asia Pacific. I have also worked with and managed people from different nationalities. A lot of my time has been spent on engaging consumers via digital marketing initiatives, including broadening fashion show audience from the 800 people on venue to 8,000 general consumers; driving double-digital growth of leads generation in a bank, contributing 40% year-on-year business growth for a beauty contact lens. Hong Kong is my home town, I was born and educated here. I am a Tennis fanatic, an amateur photographer and I find cooking is therapeutic. I also run a care group for my church and participate in some voluntary services for the city.

Flora Chan
Specializes in executive searches in Asia Pacific and she works closely with clients in healthcare, technology, aviation and manufacturing industries. She places candidates in clients’ regional offices in Hong Kong, ASEAN, or even in overseas offices like in London or Frankfurt. She is one of the directors in a regional boutique search firm with offices in Hong Kong & Singapore and has been in the recruitment industry for over 10 years.
Prior to becoming an executive search consultant, she worked in corporations like PCCW, HP and Swire Properties in Hong Kong for 15 years. Her responsibilities included product marketing, loyalty marketing, communications and process consulting.
She is experienced in conducting cross-border searches for local and multinational corporations, spanning key functions including sales and marketing, human resources, legal and compliance, corporate strategy and finance.
She holds a MS. Degree in Library & Information Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a BBA degree from University of Hawaii at Manoa.
[ More Info. ]
講座內容 大學生活自由自在,有無限的可能,許多的寬容,可是工作世界卻是另外一回事。如何認識職場要求,了解自身的條件與限制,作好充分準備面對你的第一份工作?兩位講者會跟你分析:她們在尋找甚麼樣的大學畢業生,哪些求職信與履歷不會被丟進回收桶,有哪些求職途徑你不可錯過,如何準備面試等,求職新鮮人都應該知道的事。講座以粵語進行,歡迎所有中大同學參加,尤其一年級同學。越早了解將來要面對甚麼,準備就越充分!
講座相片 20151116_JobPreparationChi
影片重溫 影片



  • 「外物之味,久則可厭;讀書之味,愈久愈深。」


  • 「書就是風。讀了很多書,大風就來了。你像風箏,順勢而起,便往天空遠處飛去,讀越多,風越大;飛得越高,看得越遠。」


  • 「書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。」

  • 「立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本。」


  • 「善讀者日攻、日掃。攻則直透重圍,掃則了無一物。 」


  • 「(任何一個人,都必須養成自學的習慣,即使是今天在學校的學生,也要養成自學的習慣,因為遲早總要離開學校的!)自學,就是一種獨立學習,獨立思考的能力。行路,還是要靠行路人自己。」


  • 「敏而好學,不恥下問 。」


  • 「喜愛讀書,就等於把生活中寂寞無聊的時光換成巨大享受的時刻。」


  • 「讀書應自己思索,自己做主。」


  • 「善學者盡其理,善行者究其難。 」


  • 「人若志趣不遠,心不在焉,雖學無成。 」


  • 「不要把學問看做是用來裝飾的王冠,也不要把學問看做是用來擠奶的奶牛。」


  • 「遠行要假良朋,數數清於耳目;住止必須擇伴,時時聞於未聞。故雲:「生我者父母,成我者朋友。」親附善者,如霧露中行,雖不濕衣,時時有潤。」


  • 「寫作可以使一天中,工作的二、三小時,化為更有意味的二、三小時。」


  • 「寫作,最終是一連串允許你以某些特定方式來表達自己的過程。去創造。去跳躍。去飛翔。去掉落。去發現你自己獨樹一格的敘述方式和堅持;也就是讓你找到內在的自由。」

    ——Susan Sontag

  • 「有時候我想,天堂一定是一場永不疲倦的閱讀。」

    ——Virginia Woolf