The Independent Learning Centre

Peer Mentoring Programme 2024

Do you want to get individual support from a senior student from your own College during the First Term?
Do you want to learn how to study effectively and efficiently at CUHK?
Do you want to develop your communication and interpersonal skills?
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The ILC Peer Mentoring Programme (PMP) is a collaborative undertaking by the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) and selected Colleges. In 2024, the participating colleges are: C.W. Chu and Morningside. The programme will run during the Fall term of CUHK’s academic year.

Its primary purpose is to facilitate first year undergraduate students’ successful transition to higher education, with an emphasis on learning to learn independently. Mentoring by senior students from the same college is the means by which the transition is supported.

Mentors will be trained by the ILC (with support from the Office of Student Affairs on Student Counseling Skills and qualified experts on Emotional Intelligence), and closely supported throughout the programme by ILC teachers. By engaging in the programme, mentors also benefit by acquiring or improving a range of skills that are highly relevant to their future working lives.

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Intended learning outcomes for mentors :

  • Initial development of training and counselling skills
  • Improvement of communication skills
  • Increased empathy through identification with challenges faced by mentees
  • Enhanced capacity for reflection on learning (metacognition)

In addition, for mentors and mentees alike, it is hoped that the programme will result in the following:

  • Increased confidence and motivation
  • Stronger sense of belonging to CUHK
  • Heightened intercultural sensitivity
  • Improved personal and inter/intra personal interaction
  • Improved communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills
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Intended learning outcomes for mentees :

  • Development of study skills that are appropriate for higher education
  • Knowledge about campus and virtual learning resources and facilities
  • Appreciation of ways to foster positive relationships with fellow students and faculty members
  • Awareness of campus activities that encourage student involvement
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What did the mentees in the past say about PMP?

  • Reflective and enjoyable
  • Fruitful and meaningful
  • A very interesting and inspiring experience
  • Learned quite a lot from my mentor
  • I knew some new friends and seniors in [the] same major.
  • … my mentor offer[ed] a lot of useful help and … suggestions. And we've become good friends.

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What did the mentors in the past say about PMP?

  • Better communication and empathetic listening skills
  • Gained a sense of achievement
  • I've become more reflective
  • I had the opportunity to reflect on my own
    year 1 experience …
  • … I also learnt some useful knowledge
    on EQ and communication …
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Programme sessions

Mingling Session
CW Chu College:
2 October 2024 (Wed)
Morningside College:
3 October 2024 (Thu)
Mentor Training Session 1
(Consultation Session)
7 – 10 October 2024 (Mon - Thu) Reservation link:
Mentor Training Session 2 18 October 2024 (Fri)   (11:30am-1:15pm)  
Mentor Training Session 3 25 October 2024 (Fri)   (11:30am-1:15pm)  
Mentor Training Session 4 1 November 2024 (Fri)   (11:30am-1:15pm)  
Gathering Session
CW Chu College:
27 November 2024 (Wed)
Morningside College:
19 November 2024 (Tue)
