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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Job Application Skills in Digital Age
  • Study Skills

English Resources

Kick Start Your Career: Successful Strategies and Winning Techniques

In addition to basic job searching strategies, this book features practical advice on finding a job in an international context in the 21st century. There is a special section on establishing your online profile in social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter (Ch. 7). Detailed discussions have also been devoted into the preparation of country-specific resumes (Ch. 12, 13 & 15) and cover letters (Ch. 16). The book finishes off with a chapter of practical interviews tips (Ch. 17) and is genuinely an all-in-one book for your job application preparation.

Brilliant graduate CV: How to get your first CV to the top of the pile

Catering for university graduates with little work experience, the book helps you craft persuasive CVs with examples. Beginning with an introduction of the general features in a CV in Part 1, the book guides you how to refine a CV in Part 2, followed by tips in content selection in Part 3 and suggested job search resources in Part 4. "Brilliant tips" in boxes from human resource experts are abundant throughout the chapters.

Highlights include "Making the perfect fit" (pp. 81-106), "Presenting your CV" (pp. 107-120), "Job application letters" (pp. 157-162), and "Addressing selection criteria" (pp. 165-176).

Interview Skills: Presenting Yourself with Confidence

This comprehensive book provides its readers with fruitful information with regard to the types of interviews, answers to interview myths, common interview mistakes, and many more. It also includes some commonly asked questions and ideas about how to answer these questions. If you are not completely new to job interviews but would like to further improve your interview skills and avoid common mistakes, this book is just right.

Highlights include "Interview myths" (Ch. 4), "Comm interview mistakes" (Ch. 5) and "Building rapport and trust" (Ch. 9).

How to Succeed in College and Beyond: The Art of Learning

Based on the input of many university teachers and students, this book serves as a well-researched resource on how to succeed as an undergraduate student. It offers a myriad of interesting titbits of advice such as “no time period is too short to accomplish something”, “[even if you] feel [...] desperate to make friends quickly[,] it is important to retain your core values and judgment and to avoid becoming part of a herd”, belong to groups in which your initiative matters”, and “you usually can’t fix the past[,] [b]ut you can start from where you are”. Such pithy lines are generally boldfaced in the book, making it suitable for casual browsing.

Highlights include “The College Experience” (Part II) and “Further Essentials” (Part III).

Keys to Effective Learning: Habits for College and Career Success

Aiming at fostering university students’ self-learning skills and habits, this book expounds on habits of success – persisting learning, anticipating, communicating, imagining, inquiring, contributing, listening, and perceiving. Featuring inspiring case studies and self-reflection exercises, the book will help you direct yourself towards academic success through developing skills on building accountability, teamwork, and critical thinking.

Highlights include “Critical and creative thinking” (Ch. 5), “Reading and information literacy” (Ch. 7), and “Memory and studying: Retaining what you learn” (Ch. 9).

How to succeed at university: An essential guide to academic skills, personal development and employability, 2nd Ed.

Written for university students at all levels, this tripartite book explains personal, academic, and life skills required at university and raises students’ awareness of these skills’ transferability in the workplace. Not only will you read about other students’ experiences, you will also learn practical tips and advice on developing study skills and achieving academic success. In addition, you will benefit from exploring the uses of digital technologies in learning.

Highlights include “How to develop successful examination techniques” (Ch. 8), and “How to understand what is required for your success in gaining internships, placements and jobs” (Ch. 9).

Chinese Resources




本書分為七章,作者憑藉多年從事人力資源的工作經驗,講論求職面試的各項要訣。其中第二章(頁53 - 84)主要說明如何通過面試,如怎樣準備簡歷和求職信、如何通過網絡應徵等途徑求職,以及十種非常規的面試形式等,皆為切實的提示。而第六章(頁225 - 260)則集中討論壓力問題,介紹如何做好心理準備、克服面試怯場的方法,以至如何應對臨場犯錯等,讀者如多加了解,當能提升個人之面試表現。


全書總計有四篇,作者以幫助應徵者(包括即將畢業的大學生)謀職為目標,說明求職面試所須掌握的各種技能。比如第一篇第一章(頁10 - 43)講述如何選擇一份職業,介紹象限分析法、電腦測試法及自我測試法等,以便讀者了解個人的就業取向。至於第三章(頁63 - 91),則主要談及如何建立自信心,鍛煉溝通能力以至紓解求職壓力,如發展自我意識的方法與怎樣尋求支援,建議均相當實用。


本書共分十章,作者從全人發展的角度出發,為大學生應如何規劃大學生活提供指引。其中第二章(頁43 - 64)主要說明如何有效安排時間,包括如何制訂學期計劃、設定作業期限及調整學習進度等,都是實用的建議。第四章(頁89 - 122)則介紹尋找適合自己的學習方法之要訣,並提出多項意見,以提高讀者的自主學習能力。全書另提及課堂學習以外的注意事項,讀者如多作參考,當能使大學生活更形豐富。


本書共分十章,作者結合各種與學習相關的研究成果,說明提高學習效能的不同方法。其中第二章(頁42 - 66)主要討論大腦的記憶機制,談及遺忘的功能,以及鍛煉記憶強度與提取強度的方法。而第七章(頁171 - 192)則講解提高創造力的技巧,介紹以「滲透作用」的三大要素建立寫作或創作計劃的方法。書中另附有常見問題,解答讀者對「學習」的若干迷思,讀者如多作參考,當能有效效提高個人的學習能力。


作者將全書分為六章,介紹由其整理的讀書術,從而應對以考試為主的學習。讀者可因應自己的學習需要,參考對應的學習建議。如第二章(頁 52 - 79)作者說明如何有效地管理時間,以騰出更多時間讀書温習,並談及提高集中力的不同建議。次如第六章(頁 212 - 235)作者則主要談及專心學習的方法,如從環境、個人準備及小組學習等方向入手,並提及如何了解自己的學習難點。作者每每舉出事例作說明,讀者不妨代入其中,尋找適合自己的學習方式。







  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford