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  • 跨文化交流
  • 大學學習技巧

書籍展示期: 2016年9月1日至10月31日


Global dexterity: How to adapt your behavior across cultures without losing yourself in the process

This book introduces the idea of “global dexterity”, which refers to the ability to adjust your behaviour in different cultural contexts while keeping your own authentic self. Featuring a collection of examples of cultural differences in various parts of the world, the book aims at helping you develop skills of interacting with people from diverse cultures through understanding cultural differences.

Highlights include the diagnosis of a new culture code (pp. 47-70), identifying challenges with the code (pp. 71-84), and how to adapt your behaviour to interact with people from that culture (pp. 85-108).

An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community, 7th Ed.

Having defined the culture as a context for communication and introduced intercultural communication in Part 1, the book then details communication variables, cultural values, and how immigration induces cultural impacts and cultural contact. The book draws on case studies of communication behaviours in different cultural contexts so as to help you enhance your intercultural communication competence through understanding perceptions of and reactions to cultural behaviours.

Highlights include barriers to intercultural communication (pp. 80-105), contact between cultures (pp. 278-303), and descriptions about culture shock (pp. 309-311).

Communication across cultures: Mutual understanding in a global world

Exploring how cultural context affects the use and understanding of language, the book elaborates components of context in Part I and presents conversation studies across cultures in Part II. The final part reveals how various facets of cultural context come into play. The book appeals to readers who want to improve intercultural communication skills through identifying cultural context components.

Highlights include conversation across cultures (pp. 95-117) and successful intercultural communication (pp. 227-244).

Essential study skills: The complete guide to success at university, 3rd Ed.

Aiming at guiding students how to cope with university life, this book is laden with practical information about interpersonal as well as academic skills and strategies. With abundant tips, activities, and clear learning outcomes in every chapter, you will learn the essential study skills at university level in a step-by-step manner.

Highlights include independent study skills and how to make the best use of computers (pp. 70-117), creative learning strategies (pp. 188-199), presentation skills (pp. 318-337), and reflective learning (pp. 373-383).

College reading and study skills, 8th Ed.

The book comprises an array of topics including goal setting, time management, learning strategies, vocabulary learning, reading skills, and exam skills for university students. With examples, exercises, and self-evaluation, you will be guided to equip yourself with the necessary and suitable learning strategies and study skills.

Highlights include learning style and learning strategies (Ch. 2), reading electronic sources (Ch. 9), critical thinking and reading (Ch. 10), expanding your vocabulary (Ch. 11), and study and review strategies (Ch. 15).

Academic transformation: The road to college success, 3rd Ed.

Focusing on developing your ability to evaluate and choose, the book guides you how to evaluate and make choices in terms of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours with an ultimate goal of transforming yourself into a successful university student – achieving self-selected goals in your academic pursuits. A number of case studies concerning students’ learning experiences are presented with questions for reflection. Each chapter ends with a Thinking Critically section, helping you practice thinking skills and reinforce concepts learned in the chapter.

Highlights include the road to autonomous learning (Ch. 1), learning outside class (Ch. 4), establishing direction in your life (Ch. 7), and making effective choices (Ch. 9).



全書分為五章,作者從傳播學角度,利用質性研究方法,探討跨文化人際關係維繫的問題。其中第四章講論兩岸學生之身份認同問題(頁113 - 149),訪問內容所反映的各種觀點,今日讀來依然具啟發意義。而第五章敘述台灣外籍家傭與當地僱主的互動經歷(頁157 - 187),與香港的情況亦相似,堪為了解相近議題的參照。讀者如希望了解跨文化友誼之維繫,則可參閱第六章(頁193 - 218),作者結合理論與訪談實例,對相關問題有詳細的說明。


本書共分五章,作者從「文化」的基本概念出發,探討跨文化交流的過程。當中第二章講述文化的結構特徵(頁38 - 108),指出對時空的理解、思維方式與行為模式等,往往是了解文化差異的關鍵。而第四章則敘述外來者在異地生活的適應問題(頁131 - 180),對人在他鄉的心理狀況有詳盡的分析。書後另附錄「 哈姆萊特在非洲」(頁202 - 217),藉非洲部族如何理解莎士比亞劇作的故事,展現跨文化交流的狀況,讀來亦饒富趣味。


全書分為六章,介紹有效的讀書方法。其中第二章專門講述PQRST方法,建議學習者按「預覽、發問、閱讀、重述和考測」五個步驟作研習(頁13 - 38),通過有系統的融會貫通,將學習內容由短期記憶轉化為長期記憶。而第四章則重點討論影響學習的心理要素(頁61 - 85),作者強調即使掌握了讀書方法,仍需具備動機,且專注於思考與組織研習內容,才能增進學習效能。各章結末均附「研習輔助」,讀者如多作參考,當更能掌握內容重點。


全書共分十二章,旨在為大學生提供全面的學習指導。其中第二章(頁 24 - 40)介紹制定學習計劃的方法,並提出多項時間管理建議,冀能助讀者提高學習效率。而第五章(頁 108 - 131)則專論學習風格,通過說明不同風格的特色與優缺點,幫助讀者理解自己的學習模式,並找出需要改進之處。書中其他章節另談及學習方法、提高動機、培養創造力等問題,讀者如能細讀,學習自能事半功倍。







  • 「外物之味,久則可厭;讀書之味,愈久愈深。」


  • 「書就是風。讀了很多書,大風就來了。你像風箏,順勢而起,便往天空遠處飛去,讀越多,風越大;飛得越高,看得越遠。」


  • 「書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。」

  • 「立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本。」


  • 「善讀者日攻、日掃。攻則直透重圍,掃則了無一物。 」


  • 「(任何一個人,都必須養成自學的習慣,即使是今天在學校的學生,也要養成自學的習慣,因為遲早總要離開學校的!)自學,就是一種獨立學習,獨立思考的能力。行路,還是要靠行路人自己。」


  • 「敏而好學,不恥下問 。」


  • 「喜愛讀書,就等於把生活中寂寞無聊的時光換成巨大享受的時刻。」


  • 「讀書應自己思索,自己做主。」


  • 「善學者盡其理,善行者究其難。 」


  • 「人若志趣不遠,心不在焉,雖學無成。 」


  • 「不要把學問看做是用來裝飾的王冠,也不要把學問看做是用來擠奶的奶牛。」


  • 「遠行要假良朋,數數清於耳目;住止必須擇伴,時時聞於未聞。故雲:「生我者父母,成我者朋友。」親附善者,如霧露中行,雖不濕衣,時時有潤。」


  • 「寫作可以使一天中,工作的二、三小時,化為更有意味的二、三小時。」


  • 「寫作,最終是一連串允許你以某些特定方式來表達自己的過程。去創造。去跳躍。去飛翔。去掉落。去發現你自己獨樹一格的敘述方式和堅持;也就是讓你找到內在的自由。」

    ——Susan Sontag

  • 「有時候我想,天堂一定是一場永不疲倦的閱讀。」

    ——Virginia Woolf